Fort Kent Public Library - Newsletter 28 - October '24

The Librarian’s Messy Desk
What is it about October that just lifts my spirits? Is it the edge of the approaching snow season, the crackle of dried leaves in neat piles on Pleasant Street lawns, or is it Halloween and the wild eyes of kids consuming too much candy? I don’t know. What I do know is that October is a great time of the year.

Here’s the update at the Fort Kent Public Library. We started a new school year, the leaves changed colors, and I saw one of my favorite signs of the season - the return of our homeschool families. This first meetup saw over 55 moms and kids (mostly kids) gather at the library on September 26. Summer absence became friendships renewed, newcomers and veterans made introductions, and plans emerged from the chaos. The homeschooler’s school year had launched.
We also had local author Angel Dionne visit the library, enjoyed an exciting book sale, and hosted some great business classes in the C3NT3R.
We have a new member of our Board of Trustees. McKenzie Roy Hafford has joined in the leadership of the library. She’s the branch manager at KeyBank, and has been a community supporter through the Greater Fort Kent Area Chamber of Commerce. We are grateful for her energy and guidance at the library.
Our volunteers have also stepped up as summer wound down. Beurmond Banville and McKenzie have repainted the large sign on Monument Square. As our board members do their ongoing chores, Joanne Fortin has transformed the library into a celebration of Autumn and made short work of covering the many new books that have arrived, and Laurie Bragdon has been helping us with her time and attention. Another addition is a new guest reader for the Saturday Children’s Story Time. Annette Sirmans joined our slate of volunteer readers for a great first story session. See her or one of our other readers, such as Kalina Conover, Katie Ouellette and Rory Collings, at the Saturday Story Time that begins at 10 a.m.

October is shaping up to be a busy time as well. Along with our regular offerings of the Book Lover’s Club (10/9), our Family Dungeons and Dragons (10/17), and more Focus on Homeschooling (10/10 and 10/24), we have the return of the NDEC Internet Frauds & Scams program (10/2), a plant swap (10/26) and a Library Underground Jam Session (10/23). That last one is new for us, but the plan is to set up for a jam session downstairs in the C3NT3R and have anyone willing to listen and/or play join us for original tunes, folk music, classics, blues and rock and sometimes just a little noodling jazz. All of these are bound to be fun. Space is limited, but there’s usually room for those interested, so let us know if you’re coming.
Help us out and pick up some treasures at the Halloween Used Book Sale Fundraiser on October 26. Starting on the Tuesday, October 29, through Halloween, the new BOO-ktacular week will usher in the spooky season where any youngster who comes to the library will receive a Halloween-themed book of their choice, and they will be able to pick an item from the Halloween treasure box of toys, nicknacks and kid-friendly stuff that will be ready by the circulation area. It will be a great finish to the fall holiday.
The Amis de la Bibliothèque Publique de Fort Kent/Friends of the Fort Kent Public Library are planning an Art Auction fundraiser for January 24 at the library. It’s a few months out, but we’ve been reaching out to local artists and art collectors for donations of paintings for the auction. We’ve received a painting from Lulu Pelletier, a photograph from Rick Douglas, and collectors are also donating pieces from other local artists. The idea is that in January we will have the art on easels in the library for a month for everyone to view, and then we’ll have an auction for the pieces to raise funds to support the library. As we approach the date of the auction, we will keep everyone informed.
October is shaping up to be a great month. Check out our calendar on our website.
Andrew Birden
Library Director
Fort Kent Public Library
NEW TO THE FKPL COLLECTION (These are just a few of the new-to-us titles we’ve added since the last newsletter)
Boo On The Loose by Gail Herman
Fluffy's Trick-Or-Treat by Kate Mcmullan
Fluffy Goes Apple Picking by Kate Mcmullan
The #1 Lawyer by James Patterson
Fall River Dreams by Bill Reynolds
The Black Ice by Michael Connelly
Minnie And Moo: The Night Of The Living Bed by Denys Cazet
Tom Clancy: Code Of Honor by Marc Cameron
Minnie And Moo and the Potato From Planet X by Denys Cazet
Bootsie Barker Ballerina by Barbara Bottner
Stone Cold Heart by Laura Griffin
Robert B. Parker's Fallout by Mike Lupica
The Collector by Daniel Silva
The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf
The Last Flight by Julie Clark
The Noise of Time by Julian Barnes
Secret Getaway by Nora Roberts
Tuesday 12-5
Wednesday 1-7
Thursday 12-5
Friday 11-4
Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Monday and Sunday - Closed
Services available at the Fort Kent Public Library
Coffee Talk
Book Lover’s Club
Focus on Homeschooling
Large Print Books
Underground Used Book Store
Printing, copying and faxing
Free Wifi
Our Online Library Catalog
Public indoor STEAM space
Meeting room/C3NT3R
One-on-one technology help
Comics and Graphic Novels online
Online eBook and audiobook collection
If you have questions or comments, please respond to this email, call the library at 834-3048 or drop in and let us know how things are going. To make a donation, please visit our website, give us a call, or come visit and we’ll make arrangements.
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